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  • Writer's pictureAlisha Roth

Yellow House Renovations

The Yellow House holds a special place in my heart, even though it was a bittersweet purchase. I bought it following my divorce. I was so sad to have to move from the farmhouse that I considered my dream house, and to leave behind my chickens, but I was also proud to purchase this home on my own and to have a place for the girls and I to live that I knew would be a place of comfort during a hard season of transition.

Yellow is my favorite color, and the first time I saw this home hit the market, I knew it was meant to be our home. I wasn't yet ready to purchase a house at that time though. It worked out, though, that the house went back off the market for a bit while they made repairs and came back on right when I was ready to buy!

I sold The Yellow House last month, and here are the words I wrote on Instagram on the day I sold:

"This morning I sold The Yellow House. The house that held me while I rebuilt myself.

I purchased this house on my own and was so proud and incredibly grateful to be able to do so.

I remodeled- tearing up old floors and learning to sand hardwood floors and repainting every room.

In many ways, it felt like we were both being remodeled at the same time, the house and me. We both had a lot of life left in us with the right amount of tender loving care. We both had scars, but only ones that made us stronger.

In this house, I found hope and love, new friendships and joy. I grieved and let go. I loved my girls and watched them grow and sought to provide stability with both arms of love and the structure of a home. I discovered faith and spirituality in a new and refreshing way.

I felt the years the locusts had eaten returned to me.

I’m grateful for this home and all it gave to us."

I loved giving new life to this old home (built in 1905!). Here are before & afters. Most of the work I did on my own, but I had a friend who helped me lay new flooring in my bedroom and the kitchen, my husband helped me paint and refinish my kitchen cabinets after we started dating, and my grandpa helped me multiple times when I had things break down that I didn't know how to fix!

Living Room:





Dining Room:









Master Bedroom:






She's still an old home that has imperfections, but I loved giving her new life and making her more bright and airy. My realtor overhead the new owner's girlfriend say, on move-in day, "Wow, I just love this house… look at this brick wall, I just love it.” My one hope was that the new owners would love this home as much as I did--that it will be a place of love and refuge for them as it was for me.

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